The number of transaction in apartment market in the first quarter 2015 is showing its significant increase compared to the previous time. Does it make the price go up?
In recent report made by a consultant and market research firm said, the number of successful transaction in apartment segment in first quarter of 2015 in Ho Chi Minh City increased 130% over the same period time last year with more than 5.000 units offered this time (reports from Savills).
The supply is abundant while the demand improved, lots of new projects were introduced to the market, most of them have reasonable price, good locations that created attraction to the customers. But is it too early to say the market is already on its trend of recovery, the price is starting to go up in general speaking?
A sales manager from a real estate company in Ho Chi Minh City said, the matter whether the price is up or not still need careful consideration, not just depends on some noises in the market, because it just lead reasons for investors blowing the bubble price. It is not smart decision these days to do some tricks at price due to the customers now really sober.
Although the fact is that, there are some projects with nice locations, the prices per square meter are quite different between the construction phases are tens of millions, even hundreds of million VND; but it is just the surface of the problem due to the later phases could focus on utilities, improve disadvantages in construction and design from the first phase, or spare some “spaces” for secondary investors to have differences in term of income.

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Moreover, there are also situations in which the apartment price is being increased in comparison with the time the market is still bleak; but it only happened when the projects have achieved certain progress (i.e. nearly delivery) or completed. But, you have to look really into the inside of story, the investors will offer flexible sales policy together with discount policy, gifts, pay in installs with deferred interest…with that to say, the price stand still after times of up and down.
The point is, the seller made a psychological impact, felt “gaining over losing” to the buyer. It is unlikely to happen when the market at the time of 2007 and early 2008.
That is still not mentioning about the intensive competition from the apartment market in Ho Chi Minh City, the supply is everywhere, from the inner city to the suburban, so the actions like the sudden increased price or over pricing effects only make congested output.
This is due to, the buyers have too many choices and the information nowadays is reachable so that they get easily confused or change their decisions even when the price have very little, little fluctuation.
VietApartment NEWS compiled
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