Vinhomes Golden River Apartment in Bason harbor is the hottest spot in the real estate map of Vietnam these days. And support information about Vinhomes Golden River is our responsibility as a distributor of Vinhomes Golden River developer. With general and basic information, you as a potential customer, can have full of detail our project.
Vinhomes Golden River (Vinhomes Bason Apartment) will be like the video you see below
- Developer official name: “CTCP Đầu tư dịch vụ Thương mại TPHCM” of Vinhomes Golden River apartment.
- Vinhomes Golden River BasonAddress: 2 Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, HCMC.
- Total area: 25.29 ha
- Construction density: 18,6%
- Height : maximum 60 floors
- Underground floor: maximum 4 floors
- Compound area: office, office-tel, hotel, villas and luxury apartments.
- Vinhomes Golden River Apartment in Ba Son Harbor has: 16 buildings of office, hotel, apartment and 63 villa that are divided into 4 areas:
The Aqua: 4 block of apartment – earliest building to sell with 2 side towards the Saigon River and Thi Nghe canal.
The Front: 3 block of apartments in the middle site.
The Luxury: 6 block of apartment on very luxury condition
The Victoria: 63 luxury villa area from 225sqm – 475sqm.
All apartment in Vinhomes Golden River Project is applied the latest technology in the world that bring to billionaire residents a luxury life and friendly to environment.
- Smart-home system
- Centered air-conditioner system.
- Low-E glass preventing heat and ultraviolet from outside, keep your apartment stable temperature and save electricity for air-conditioning task.
- Solar energy for heating water.
- Water filter follow European standard.
- Duravit sanitary from Germany
- Bosch from Germany from kitchen.
Typical layout of Aqua 1 building in Vinhomes Golden River Apartment in Bason

To visit our showroom address of Vinhomes Golden River Ba Son Apartment on No.2 Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, HCMC, please call hotline 0982895089 (Viber or WhatsApp) or fill in this form
To learn more about Vinhomes Golden River Bason Apartment, click the link to have a wider view of information. Thank you.
Viet Apartment
Distributor of Vinhomes Central Park Apartment